Results of the call for the award of additional funds for the implementation of existing projects under the Local Development and Inclusion Programme (LDIDP2)


Results of the LDIDP2 call

On 22d September 2023 the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic as the Programme Operator of the programme „Local development, poverty reduction and Roma inclusion“, implemented within Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, made a Decision on the award of grants (decision on which projects shall be supported) for the call LDIDP2.

The call was launched on 22 June 2023 and was dedicated to support already contracted and implemented projects with additional funds. The call closure was on 24 July 2023. Altogether 11 applications for additional funding were submitted in amount of 1 596 227 euro.

A total of 1 project implemented within the LDI01 call, 2 projects implemented within the LDI02 call and 5 projects implemented within the LDI03 call will be supported within the LDIDP2 call in the amount of EUR 585 581 euro.

There is 1 project within the LDI01 call and 2 projects within LDI02 call are on the reserve list, and activities from supported projects within the LDI01 call and the LDI03 call are also on the reserve list.

The results of the call:

Code of application Project Promoter Project title Additional funds (project grant) awarded
LDI02024-DP2 Obnovme Gemer, n.o. (non-for-profit organisation Let’s Renew the Region of Gemer) Centres of Renewall in Gemer 84 204,00 €
LDI02015-DP2 nezisková organizácia Projekt DOM.ov (non-for-profit organisation Projekt DOM.ov) Inclusive neighborhoods 154 887,00 €
LDI03017-DP2 Agentúra práce BBSK, n.o. (Labour Agency of the Self-Governing Region of Banská Bystrica) Affirmative action boosting up Roma employment and education 55 059,00 €
LDI03025-DP2 The Municilality of Zborov Support and development of MRC activities in Zborov 81 153,00 €
LDI01003-DP2 The Town of Spišská Belá SpoluBližšie (TogetherCloser) 32 500,00 €
LDI03022-DP2 Karpatská nadácia (Carpathian Foundation) UPre Women: Capacity building and employability programme for women from the marginalized Roma communities 72 181,00 €
LDI03021-DP2 Asociácia pre kultúru, vzdelávanie a komunikáciu (Association for Culture, Education and Communication) Mision 1000 73 975,00 €
LDI03020-DP2 Centrum komunitného organizovania Empower to Grow, Using Community Organizing and Advocacy Methods to Empower Disadvantaged Communities in Central Slovakia 31 622,00 €
Unofficial english translation: Community organizing center
LDI01005-DP2* The Town of Moldava nad Bodvou The Space Connects Us – Multifunctional centre in Moldava nad Bodvou to bring together children and young people from minority with the majority 52 331,00 €
(Activity no.3)*
Centrum komunitného organizovania (Centre of Community Organisation) Mision 1000 7 697,00 €


(Activitiy no.2 and no.3)*

The Town of Spišská Belá SpoluBližšie (TogetherCloser) 140 000,00 €
LDI02028-DP2* Municipality of Svidnik Svidník Community Center, a place for the development and education of a Marginalized Roma Community 83 765,00 €
LDI02012-DP2* Association of Young Roma Opportunity Centrum Valaská  „Development of Multifunctional Inclusion Center“ 475 746,00 €
*Reserve list      
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