Third and last Call for Proposals under the Social Dialogue - Decent Work Programme


Innovation Norway as the Programme Operator of the Programme "Social Dialogue - Decent work" has launched the third and last Call for Proposals. 

The objective of the Programme is strengthened tripartite cooperation between employer organisations, trade unions and public authorities and the promotion of decent work. It supports social dialogue, contribute to ensure that Beneficiary States are better equipped to deal with the challenges following high unemployment and to establish decent work practices, and improve the enforcement of legislation and policies on decent work and social dialogue.

All relevant information you can find at:

The direct link - Call for Slovakia:

Deadline for submission of project applications: 16 December 2021, at 13.00 CET

The Programme "Social Dialogue - Decent Work" is not implemented by the Slovak Programme Operator.  The Programme Operator is Innovation Norway - Norwegian Government's agency for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry. In case of any question, you may contact directly Programme Operator - Innovation Norway through email: .