Domestic and Gender-based Violence
Project Number | Name | Project Promoter | Project Grant Approved | Status |
DGV01003 | Various ways to equality | MyMamy, o.z. | 179 730 € | Active |
DGV01004 | Gender Equality Promotion (GEP) | Human Rights Institute, civic association | 282 517 € | Active |
DGV01005 | GENDER EQUALITY for ROMA COMMUNITY (GER) | People In Need | 186 166 € | Active |
DGV01006 | ESCAPE FROM (CO)DEPENDENCY | EsFem | 179 330 € | Active |
DGV01007 | Fostering Gender Equality and Worklife Balance in Slovakia | Slovak national centre for human rights | 180 575 € | Active |
DGV01008 | Women's rights are human rights | OZ Žena v tiesni | 118 580 € | Active |
DGV01009 | United For Equality | Risotto o.z. | 198 000 € | Active |
DGV01010 | 34all" (three for all) - "Three substantial messages on CSE and SRHR for each target group" | Spoločnosť pre plánované rodičovstvo | 176 047 € | Active |
DGV01012 | Women in community | Únia materských centier | 155 020 € | Active |
DGV02013 | We stand with women. We protect and support them! | FENESTRA | 486 622 € | Active |
DGV02014 | Together with us - Expanding of counseling and support services for women experiencing violence and their children | Spolu s nami – Rozšírenie poradenských a podporných služieb pre ženy zažívajúce násilie a ich deti | 499 702 € | Active |
DGV02015 | The safe way out of violence | Bezpečná cesta z násilia | 535 400 € | Active |
DGV02016 | Behind the front door | Poradenské centrum Nádej | 457 212 € | Cancelled |
DGV02017 | Women's Safe House - a step towards a life without violence | Centrum Slniečko | 599 258 € | Active |
DGV02018 | LUNA n.o. bezpečný ženský domov v Trenčíne | LUNA n.o. | 600 000 € | Active |
DGV02022 | We Build Bridges for Help | Centrum sociálnych služieb KA | 519 497 € | Active |
DGV03019 | Breaking the Cycle of Violence | Alliance of Women in Slovakia | 577 704 € | Active |
DGV03020 | A FUTURE WITHOUT VIOLENCE Improvement and innovation in the services offered to persons threatened by violence in the context of addiction | BUDÚCNOSŤ, n.o. | 493 403 € | Active |
DGV03021 | TENENET o.z. | 458 848 € | Active | |
DGVPP001 | HER STORY | Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic | 360 000 € | Cancelled |
DGVPP002 | Improving the victim-oriented approach – a tool enhancing the capacity to fight violence against women and domestic violence | Institute of Labour and Family Research | 1 400 000 € | Active |