CLTBF01-01 |
Boyna Hillfort |
Hands on History |
1 270 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF01-02 |
Visit to Slovak republic to see the sites and dicuss and application |
The Norwegian University College for Agriculture and Rural Development |
1 058 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF01-03 |
Visiting of Modra Museum of Ceramic Sculpture as a crucial step of starting of bilateral cooperation |
Porseleen museet, Telemark Museum |
3 684 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF01-04 |
Skyhoyt live scene and Mestská časť Bratislava - Rača |
Skyhoyt live scene |
3 990 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF01-05 |
Preparations for cooperation between HLB and City of Nitra |
The Norwegian University College for Agriculture and Rural Development |
1 058 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF01-07 |
Preparation of partnership with Skyhoyt live scene |
Mestská časť Rača |
4 734 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF01-10 |
Development of partnership of Kláštor pod Znievom and Alibier company. |
Obec Kláštor pod Znievom |
4 734 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF01-11 |
Coburg Castle |
obec Jelšava |
3 909 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF01-12 |
Partnership for the project "Renovation and Revitalization of the Historical Park in Lednické Rovne" |
Lednické Rovné |
4 320 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-01 |
Purgation by beauty |
Company B. Valiente |
2 320 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-03 |
Bilateral cultural cooperation between Východoslovenská Galéria and Norwegian artist Lise Wulff |
Lisa Wulf |
853 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-05 |
Cubana music and dance movent in Norway and Slovakia |
SalsaNor |
3 174 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-07 |
Creative Partners |
Prešovská rozvojová agentúra |
3 909 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-08 |
The Devils is in the details |
Morten Holmefjord |
1 263 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-09 |
Composing of modern music |
Vimarida Music DA |
2 116 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-10 |
Art & Digital Culture |
Sorlandets Kunstmuseum |
3 174 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-11 |
Meeting with potential partners |
TRIO Publishing, s.r.o. |
4 492 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-12 |
Bilateral cultural cooperation between Východoslovenská Galéria and Interkulturelt Museum in Oslo |
Východoslovenská galéria |
3 909 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-13 |
Miracles |
Pôtoň |
3 116 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-14 |
Building partnership - interlinking creative centres |
Kulturfoset Huser |
2 116 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-15 |
Thor Heyerdahl: bridge builder, challenger and boundery breaker. His heritage for our days |
Studio Kubinsky s.r.o. |
3 084 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-16 |
Building partnership - interlinking creative centres |
otvor dvor |
3 909 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF02-17 |
Miracles |
Pôtoň |
5 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF04-01 |
Slovool |
OZ Naša Vlna |
7 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF05-01 |
Equal People |
Prešov Development Agency |
7 000 € | Zrušená |
CLTBF05-02 |
Sustainability in cultural industry - art in public space |
City of Modra |
7 000 € | V implementácii |
CLTBF05-04 |
New cultural cooperations between Norway and Slovakia |
6 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
CLTBF05-07 |
Slovak Subculture Community at INFERNO 2024 |
Music Press Production, s.r.o |
5 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
Project of mutual exchange of employees between the Fund for the support of the arts and the Arts Council Norway |
Slovak Art Fund |
36 699 € | V implementácii |
Bilateral Initiative on Historic Parks and Gardens |
Národný Trust |
40 000 € | V implementácii |
Living monasteries – work trip. UK ´23 |
The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic |
25 400 € | V implementácii |
Heritage and Climate Symposium |
Národný Trust n. o. |
15 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
DGVBF01-01 |
“Reach Balance! “ Measures to reconciliate work and family life in Slovakia |
Holes DISTINKT Consultancy |
853 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
DGVBF01-02 |
Gender equality done by women´s economic independance |
Aj Ty v IT |
2 056 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
DGVBF01-03 |
Gender Mainstreaming Awareness Raising and Education |
Inštitút ľudských práv |
2 468 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
DGVBF04_01 |
Inštitút ľudských práv |
10 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
Stretnutie KMC s donorským partnerom preddefinovaného projektu a aktívna účasť na 3. Európskej konferencii o domácom násilí |
Inštitút pre výskum práce a rodiny |
4 856 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
Match-making event Košice 2019 |
Úrad vlády SR |
18 614 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
Stretnutie Správcov programu "Kultúra" v Rumunsku 2019 |
Úrad vlády SR |
1 485 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
Seminár pre budúce partnerstvá pre výzvy GGC01 a GGC02 |
Úrad vlády Slovenskej republiky |
1 557 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-001 |
Slovenské národné divadlo |
39 622 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-003 |
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) - 2019 |
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic - Permanent Delegation of the Slovak Republic to the OECD (PD SR to the OECD) |
5 353 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-005 |
Reducing the Gender Pay Gap |
Ministerstvo práce, sociálnych vecí a rodiny Slovenskej republiky |
15 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-006 |
Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti |
45 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-008 |
University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice |
39 810 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-010 |
Triangle of Support for AI in Healthcare |
Technical University in Košice |
72 864 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-011 |
Geothermal and renewable energy know-how transfer (SGRE) |
Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency |
58 687 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-012 |
Bilateral relations and common knowledge between Slovakia and Iceland research at Universities on topic “Genomic instability and cancer “GenICa” |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice |
67 380 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-013 |
LibraryEdu |
Ministry of culture of Slovak republic |
57 456 € | V implementácii |
FBR-PDI-014 |
National Forest Centre |
71 850 € | Initiative completed |
FBR-PDI-018 |
Novel Techniques and Approaches in Language Teaching (NoTALaT) |
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra |
69 702 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-019 |
Early Fake Profile Detection- FakeDetect |
72 151 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-021 |
The cooperation in the fields of business intelligence and artificial intelligence for science and education - BICISEDU |
University of Economics in Bratislava |
29 178 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-022 |
Increasing the productivity of the construction industry through Lean Construction concept |
Technical university in Košice |
50 857 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-025 |
Modern Approaches and Tools for Teaching Classes at the University Level in Theoretical Computer Science Courses of Logic, Types, and Semantics |
Technická univerzita v Košiciach |
27 146 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR-PDI-028 |
Slovak Arts Council |
19 894 € | V implementácii |
FBR-PDI-029 |
The City of Trenčín |
670 000 € | V implementácii |
FBR-PDI-030 |
Preventively and actively together |
The Monuments Board of the Slovak Republic |
500 000 € | V implementácii |
FBR01-002 |
Artistic Research as a New Way in the Musical Education (shortcut NOR-SK) |
26 323 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR01-003 |
Development of cultural and educational cooperation within Slovak – Icelandic context |
Jesseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine |
29 492 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR01-004 |
The Days of Maximilián Hell |
ZŠ a MŠ Maximiliána Hella |
19 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR01-005 |
Milan Richter – Good Deeds Save the World |
RECORD, s.r.o. |
19 997 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR01-008 |
NORSK - exchange, cooperation and education |
Hevhetia, s.r.o. |
29 994 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR01-009 |
Joint scientific conference on global change (abbreviation: IGC) |
30 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR02-006 |
Art education for success in the post-coronavirus digitized art world |
Victory Art o.z. |
24 260 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR02-007 |
46 488 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR02-008 |
Slovak-Norwegian Cultural Matching |
Creative Industry Košice, n.o. |
43 147 € | V implementácii |
FBR02-009 |
Exchange of experience between university teachers from Norway and Slovakia during the COVID19 pandemic and the impact on their well-being |
Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici |
28 755 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBR03-001 |
Building Bridges: SPEV |
Convergence - Society for Chamber Arts |
62 580 € | In implementation |
FBR03-002 |
Festival Rising with Culture |
Open the Courtyard |
66 234 € | In implementation |
FBR03-003 |
Initiative title in English: We retain and use rainwater in Žilina |
Civic Association Ecoenergy |
51 755 € | In implementation |
FBR03-004 |
Bridge to Friendship |
St. Thomas Aquinas Grammar School |
39 900 € | In implementation |
FBR03-005 |
SlovakiaTech Forum-Expo Kosice 2024 |
SlovakiaTech, non-profit organization |
23 754 € | In implementation |
FBR03-009 |
Bilateral Initiative: Research and Needs Analysis of Slovak Teachers in Gender Equality and Gender based Violence Prevention |
Human Rights Institute |
135 652 € | In implementation |
FBR03-010 |
Creative streets — Mural festival |
Playground project s.r.o. |
34 180 € | In implementation |
FBR03-011 |
Unlocking Potential: Discovering collaboration opportunities for Slovak and Norwegian Development Organizations |
Ambrela – Platform for Development Organisations |
38 832 € | In implementation |
FBR03-012 |
Mysterious Levoča without borders |
The city of Levoča |
67 395 € | In implementation |
FBR03-013 |
LiKE – Festival of Contemporary Literature Košice 2024 |
59 243 € | n implementation |
FBR03-014 |
Fjúžn festival and ICORN study trip |
Milan Šimečka Foundation |
41 090 € | In implementation |
FBR03-018 |
Transferring of experiences, best practices and know how in Sustainable Tourism and Local Development: Use of Norwegian Community-based Tourism project experiences and analysis of their potential for implementation in Slovakia. Preparation and organizatio |
University of Economics in Bratislava |
50 648 € | In implementation |
FBR03-019 |
Transferring of experiences, best practices and know how from Norway in Good Governance |
University of Economics in Bratislava |
48 373 € | In implementation |
FBR03-020 |
Together with Roma, we will achieve more |
National Institute of Education and Youth |
265 570 € | In implementation |
FBR03-021 |
Raising awareness of human rights |
Spojená škola, Štúrova 848, Detva |
43 684 € | V implementácii |
FBR03-022 |
Regenerative agriculture – way to healthy soil and the healthy food |
EKOPOLIS Foundation |
58 755 € | V implementácii |
FBR03-026 |
Save the Castles |
Save the Castles |
98 187 € | In implementation |
FBR03-030 |
MyMamy campaign: 16 Days of activism against gender based violence |
WeMothers, NGO |
67 770 € | In implementation |
FBR03-032 |
Bridging for Patients: Exchange of Experiences in Patient Advocacy between Slovakia, Norway, and Iceland |
SMA SLOVAKIA – alliance of families |
69 745 € | In implementation |
FBR03-033 |
Improving teachers' and youth workers' competences in youth work and participation - an example of good practice from Norway |
Youth Council of the Banská Bystrica Region |
31 550 € | In implementation |
FBR03-034 |
Mobilitv for the cooperation Svidnik - @ygarden |
City Svidník |
33 070 € | In implemenentation |
FBR03-036 |
ITAPA Norway Day - From Research to Change |
41 863 € | In implementation |
FBR03-037 |
Mikovíny HUB – building a bilateral interdisciplinary platform for innovations promoting a sustainable future of cultural heritage |
Samuel Mikovíny Fund CSO |
61 217 € | In implementation |
FBR03-040 |
Teaching Languages Inclusively - TeaLI |
Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra |
42 468 € | In implementation |
FBR03-041 |
Enhancing CBRN Security at the Slovak-Ukrainian Border through Responder Education |
Ministry of Interior of Slovak Republic |
50 000 € | V implementácii |
FBR03-043 |
Guardians of Democracy - Why Do We Need Democracy? |
Post Bellum SK |
65 600 € | In implementation |
FBR03-044 |
Engaged: from games and theatre to public life |
Impact Games |
39 915 € | In implementation |
FBR03-046 |
The best for youth |
V.I.A.C. - Institute for youth support and developmen |
48 840 € | In implementation |
FBR03-048 |
Community Incubator in Old Lyceum |
Congregation of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession (ECAV) in Slovakia Bratislava Staré Mesto (Old Town) |
49 464 € | In implementation |
FBR03-051 |
Study trip to Norway on the integration of young migrants and refugees |
Center for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture |
23 247 € | In implementation |
FBRTG01-001 |
Oslo innovation week |
Touch4IT s.r.o. |
3 156 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBRTG01-002 |
Nonoilen |
PANARA, s.r.o. |
3 634 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBRTG01-004 |
University cooperation |
Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre |
2 726 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBRTG01-008 |
Development of ongoing ICP Materials cooperation |
Žilinská univerzita v Žiline, Výskumné centrum |
2 606 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
FBRTG01-011 |
Modernisation in urban space: searching for new approaches |
Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice |
1 926 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
GGCBF02-01 |
Bilateral initiative for Making Climate Recovery Happen |
Občianske združenie Ekoenergia |
29 618 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
GGCBF02-02 |
Support of the public sector's use of data on the ultimate beneficial owners |
Transparency International Slovensko |
28 950 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
GGCBF02-03 |
Sharing Norwegian experience for the establishment of a Slovak-Ukrainian Centre for Cross-Border Cooperation |
Výskumné centrum Slovenskej spoločnosti pre zahraničnú politiku |
30 000 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
GGCBF02-06 |
Educational Meeting on Norwegian Policy and Government |
Newport Group, a.s. |
17 640 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
Študijná cesta na Slovensku a účasť na seminári pre budúce partnerstvá |
Nórsky Barentsov Sekretariát |
15 980 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |
Study stay at the Children's House in Reykjavík, Iceland |
Ministerstvo spravodlivosti SR |
4 433 € | Iniciatíva ukončená |