Local development and inclusion
Programme grant: € 15,000,000 - Norwegian Financial Mechanism
€ 1,588,236 - State budget of the SR
Programme Operator: Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the SR
International Partner Organisation: Council of Europe
Pre-defined project:
1. Innovative education of teachers to increase their intercultural competences in the education process of Romas pupils
Programme focus:
The programme shall contribute to fostering local development and to reducing poverty, with a strong focus on vulnerable groups at high risk of exclusion, such as Roma. It shall implement cost-efficient and sustainable measures that integrate education, housing, employment and health components. Establishing multi-functional youth centers, targeted at vulnerable children and youth, in the least developed regions of Slovakia shall be further explored during the development of the concept note, as well as the cooperation of the centers with mediators from Roma communities. The Programme Operator will announce 3 calls in the programming period 2014-2021.
The aim of the first call LDI01 is to support projects enhancing access of vulnerable children and youth in disadvantaged areas to a broader range of extra–curricular activities to improve their personal development and provide them with skills increasing their chances to succeed in society. Supported projects shall create multifunctional youth centres 1 in the Least Developed Districts of the Slovak Republic.
The objective of the call LDI02 is to support community-based interventions in or for the direct benefit of marginalised Roma communities using an integrated approach, i.e. linking multiple interventions to improve their status and opportunities in the fields of education, employment, health, housing or nondiscrimination.
The mail aim of the last call LDI03 is to support capacity-building of smaller local organisations through the implementation of grassroots initiatives and the replication and enhancement of proven good practices in the field of local development and the social inclusion of marginalised Roma communities1 in fields of Health, Education, Employment, Housing, and Non-discrimination, with primary focus on Non-discrimination.