Renovation and Revitalization of the Historical Park in Lednicke Rovne
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Basic information
- Project Number: CLT01028
- Project Title: Renovation and Revitalization of the Historical Park in Lednicke Rovne
- Program: Culture
- Region of the Project Implementation: Trenčiansky
- District of the Project Implementation: Púchov
- Estimated Date of Project Completion: 30.04.2024
- Project Promoter: Town of Lednické Rovne
- Website of the project:
- Status: Active
- Project Grant Approved: 999 789 €
Information in a nutshell
The historical park in Lednické Rovne with the area of 18.5 ha is situated on the right bank of the Váh River, it has natural – landscape character and it is completed with remains of romantic construction features that can be seen even today. The historical park was built based on English pattern at the end of the 18th century by Earl Johann Gobert Aspremont-Linden and it is situated at the Lednické manor house. The park was built as natural landscape park and, for its undoubted value, it was declared a national cultural landmark in 1963. In 2006, the World Monuments fund in New York put this park to the list of 100 most threatened landmarks in the world.