Opportunity Centrum Valaská "Development of Multifunctional Inclusion Center"

Basic information

  • Project Number: LDI02012
  • Project Title: Opportunity Centrum Valaská "Development of Multifunctional Inclusion Center"
  • Program: Local development and inclusion
  • Region of the Project Implementation: Banskobystrický
  • District of the Project Implementation: Brezno
  • Estimated Date of Project Completion: 30.04.2024
  • Project Promoter: Association of Young Roma
  • Website of the project: centrumprilezitosti.sk
  • Status: Active


  • Project Grant Approved: 951 590 €

Project description

The project is gradually creating a space for improving the lives of people and the community called "Valaská Opportunities Center". The project develops the centre by the establishment and strengthening of the community kitchen and laundry social enterprises and direct creation of jobs for hard-working people with difficulties finding employment. Furthermore, the project focuses on expanding the community centre, which brings additional activities and services for families from the affected region. The project also develops a career guidance centre that serves young people to acquire the necessary skills for the future. The Diversity Festival is a platform for matchmaking. The centre focuses on helping marginalized communities, but applies the principle of "explicitness, but not exclusivity" of the Roma, so the centre provides services also for the non-Roma disadvantaged groups. Most of the staff at the centre are women. The project partners bring know-how and methodologies of action learning and their adjacent areas.
