Inclusive neighborhoods

Basic information


  • Project Grant Approved: 931 087 €

Project description

The project focuses on selected localities - municipalities located in the Košice region - Kecerovce, Vtáčkovce, Boliarov, Bačkov, Veľká Ida and Bôrka, in which Roma live in segregated concentrations affected by deep poverty. Characteristic is the high unemployment rate, low level of education, catastrophic housing conditions and the frequent occurrence of socio-pathological phenomena. The Inclusive Neighborhoods project is based on the idea that an effective and sustainable housing solution for vulnerable groups requires a holistic approach to all important areas of life. It is also based on an approach in social work called "housing ready". Providing physical living space is combined with targeted social work and education. The main goal of the project is to increase the quality of life of MRC residents through the creation of new functional neighbourhoods. The project implements inclusive measures in basic areas of life, namely housing, employment and education. The cross-cutting theme is non-discrimination.
