LUNA n.o. bezpečný ženský domov v Trenčíne

Basic information

  • Project Number: DGV02018
  • Project Title: LUNA n.o. bezpečný ženský domov v Trenčíne
  • Program: Domestic and Gender-based Violence
  • Region of the Project Implementation: Trenčiansky
  • District of the Project Implementation: Trenčín
  • Estimated Date of Project Completion: 30.04.2024
  • Project Promoter: LUNA n.o.
  • Website of the project:
  • Status: Active


  • Project Grant Approved: 600 000 €

Project description

The main goal of the project is to ensure the continuation and development of the functioning of the safe women's house and counseling center, managed by the non-profit organization LUNA, in the city of Trenčín. The problem of the operation of both devices is their economic security. However, the common denominator is the prioritization of other areas, frequently changing legislation in the social and legal field and subsequent changes in the organization, functioning and/or financing of crisis facilities. The project focuses on solution of the mentioned problems comprehensively and in the widest possible scope. The aim of the project is to increase the quality, expertise and efficiency of services provided for the purpose of eliminating domestic gender-based violence against women and their children. The project provides comprehensive protection, assistance and support based on the needs of victims experiencing domestic violence. The provision of comprehensive support includes specialized social, legal, psychological counseling, assistance in matters of safe housing, health and finances, employment on the labor market and independence.
