Various ways to equality

Basic information

  • Project Number: DGV01003
  • Project Title: Various ways to equality
  • Program: Domestic and Gender-based Violence
  • Region of the Project Implementation: Prešovský
  • District of the Project Implementation: Prešov
  • Estimated Date of Project Completion: 30.04.2024
  • Project Promoter: MyMamy, o.z.
  • Website of the project:
  • Status: Active


  • Project Grant Approved: 179 730 €

Project description

The project is focused on preventive and educational activities at primary and secondary schools, especially in the Prešov self-governing region, and on the implementation of two infotainment campaigns. The aim of these activities is to raise the awareness of pupils, students, but also the general public in the topics of gender equality, the elimination of negative gender stereotypes, the promotion of women's proportional representation in decision-making and political participation, as well as work-life balance for both genders. The Promoter, as a long-term aid organization for women experiencing violence in couple relationships and their children, is based on the belief that gender inequality is the cause of this social phenomenon, a gross violation of women's human rights.
