Development of a multifunctional facility for children and youth in Stráne pod Tatrami

Basic information

  • Project Number: LDI01006
  • Project Title: Development of a multifunctional facility for children and youth in Stráne pod Tatrami
  • Program: Local development and inclusion
  • Region of the Project Implementation: Prešovský
  • District of the Project Implementation: Kežmarok
  • Estimated Date of Project Completion: 30.04.2024
  • Project Promoter: Obec Stráne pod Tatrami
  • Website of the project:
  • Status: Active


  • Project Grant Approved: 1 120 561 €

Project description

The subject of the project is the construction of a multifunctional sports facility for children and youth in the village of Stráne pod Tatrami. It also includes the creation of a network of centres implementing various activities in order to contribute to improving the access of vulnerable children and youth from disadvantaged areas to a wider range of extracurricular activities. Activities focus on improving their personal development and providing skills that increase their chances of success in society. The project will involve 8 legal entities, including the applicant, one Norwegian partner and 6 legal entities from Slovakia. Through the activities of the applicant and project partners, negative impacts are eliminated, prevention is strengthened, and growth is ensured in creating a healthy society with a stable economic background and a diverse culture of social life.
