Women's rights are human rights

Basic information

  • Project Number: DGV01008
  • Project Title: Women's rights are human rights
  • Program: Domestic and Gender-based Violence
  • Region of the Project Implementation: Žilinský
  • District of the Project Implementation: Martin
  • Estimated Date of Project Completion: 30.04.2024
  • Project Promoter: OZ Žena v tiesni
  • Website of the project: zenavtiesni.sk
  • Status: Active


  • Project Grant Approved: 118 580 €

Project description

The current Gender-Equality Index, published by Eurostat, states that in 2018, Slovakia was the only country in the European Union where the situation had in ten years deteriorated. The project is focused on educational activities in the field of gender equality for primary and secondary school students (ages 14-19). The main goal of the project is to create space to strengthen gender equality in society. The project activities are therefore aimed mainly at the public and primary, and secondary school students. The activities represent non-formal education in cooperation with Radio Roma and the preparation of materials and handbooks for the Roma target group with the Romata news agency. Other activities are aimed at the public in the online space within the activities of 16 days of activism and the exhibition Women's Rights are Human Rights. Women in Slovakia have the right to equal status and security, but these rights are still not a reality for women. The project contributes to raising awareness and changing attitudes towards gender equality.
